
  Located in southwest China, Guizhou province enjoys mild winters and pleasant summers and boasts rich ethnic customs, earning it the name of “Island of Diverse Cultures”.Other nicknames of the province include “Ethnic Eco-Museum”and“Museum of Bridges”. It is also home to 9 National 5A Tourist Attractions, nearly half of the world’s top 100 high bridges,4 UNESCO World Natural Heritage sites, and 1 UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. The number of its UNESCO World Natural Heritage sites is the largest in China.


  The State Council of China issued Circular No. 2 at the beginning of 2022 exclusively dedicated to Guizhou’s development, which identifies Guizhou’s strategic roles as a demonstration zone for comprehensive reform of the western region’s development, a sample plot for consolidating poverty alleviation achievements, an innovation zone for digital economic development, a pilot zone for ecological progress, and a new highland for inland open economy. This has provided an unprecedented opportunity and strong impetus for the province’s opening-up and development. Leveraging its geographical advantages, Guizhou has endeavored to establish itself as a leading example of an open economy among all inland provinces. It has formed synergies with the Pan-Pearl River Delta region and the Chengdu–Chongqing Economic Circle, and has actively participated in the Belt and Road cooperation. Moreover, it has proactively integrated itself into the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area. Over 300 Global 500 companies have set up bases in Guizhou,including Welmart,Apple, Huawei, BYD, Alibaba and CATL. In 2023, its gross regional product (GRP) reached 2.09 trillion yuan; industrial investment increased by 10.7 percent; growth rates of digital economy had ranked first in the country for eight consecutive years; total import and export of goods increased by 11.5 percent, The growth figures were among the first rank in China.

  The well-being of people in Guizhou is also improving. The growth rates of per capita disposable income of both urban and rural residents have remained one of the fastest in the country. Sectors closely related to people’s livelihood, such as education, health and culture, have also seen continuous progress.


  With a focus on high-quality development in its overall planning, the entire province has seized the time and made concerted endeavor with determination to pursue a new chapter of development in the Guizhou Practice of Chinese path to modernization.